Just Marketing™ Alliance Logo

It’s time to prioritize ethics, inclusion, and accessibility in our marketing.

Download the Just Marketing® checklist - your roadmap to marketing in a way that's:

  • Ethical,

  • Inclusive, &

  • Accessible.

This resource will make it easier to integrate Just Marketing® into your {new or existing} marketing strategy.

What Is Just Marketing®?

just (adjective) \ ˈjəst : Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.

My signature approach to marketing is Just Marketing® - the rejection of exploitative marketing tactics and prioritization of justice (ethics, inclusion, and accessibility).

There is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy... your strategy is 100% unique to your business.

And with Just Marketing®, each and every marketing strategy is strengthened because putting people before profits actually increases profitability.

(And it’s simply the right thing to do.)

Modern Marketing Needs to Evolve

Why would we want to exclude parts of our audience from our marketing?

Spoiler alert: we don’t want to do that.

Unfortunately, it’s exactly what modern marketing is designed to do.

Mainstreamed marketing is inaccessible for millions of people, and lacks inclusivity - even with the strides that have been taken to feature more diverse people in advertisements.

Many of these marketing strategies are still being used for 2 reasons:

(1) It's the way marketing has always been done, and

(2) It seems to work, and people don't realize it could work BETTER.

Being truly accessible & inclusive in our marketing takes work.

It takes a lot of learning from mistakes and learning how to be uncomfortable.

And while it won’t change Supreme Court decisions or eliminate racism and transphobia, we can turn our businesses into tools for dismantling systems of oppression.

Being truly accessible and inclusive in your marketing (and the way you do business) will allow you to be part of a movement.

A movement toward a more just world.

And as your business grows, so too will your impact and income.

Understand the value of equity-centered marketing but not sure where to start?

Here is the checklist to get you started:

Make Your Marketing As JUST (& Profitable) As Possible

  • Social Media content is easily understood by people who use assistive technology and reaches a diverse audience with inclusive messaging - allowing you to get your message in front of more people than ever before!

  • Videos are safe for people with epilepsy and fully accessible for people who are Deaf, blind, or choose to watch without sound (this goes beyond captioning, y'all).

  • Blogs are easy to understand for everyone in your audience and are optimized for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that more people are finding your website, consuming your content, and seeing your offers.

  • Podcasts are enjoyed by members of your audience who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing or simply aren't podcast listeners (yes, they do exist).

  • Images are accessible for people with colorblindness, people who are blind, and optimized in case the photo fails to load.

  • Messaging authentically represents your values, respects your audience through the sales process, and reduces "buyers remorse" and refund requests.

Download the Just Marketing® Checklist

so that your marketing efforts have maximum reach, impact, & profitability

Consider this your roadmap to marketing in a way that's accessible, inclusive, and equitable. These checklists will serve as an accountability check to make it easier to integrate more inclusive, accessible, and ethical marketing into your current strategy.

Just Marketing® Checklist

Designed to refer to anytime you’re ready to send a new piece of content into the world — whether it’s through social media, email, your website, or anywhere!

{BONUS} Responding to a Crisis Checklist

Designed to guide you through determining if your marketing needs to be modified and making the best marketing decisions during times of fear, sadness, and/or uncertainty.

In no time, you'll get accustomed to practicing Just Marketing® in your day-to-day operations AND you will be prepared to practice Just Marketing® in times of trauma.




We value equity for all people and recognize that Just Marketers® are diverse, including members of all races, cultures, religions, genders, orientations, abilities, body sizes, ages, etc.

For that reason, we screen all potential members, experts, and guests to foster a safe and progressive community that is actively working towards becoming more intentionally inclusive.

We value people over profits, and hatred of any kind will not be tolerated.

Ready to be part of the Just Marketing® Movement?

It’s time to prioritize accessibility, ethics, and inclusivity in our marketing.

Time to lead with kindness and empathy — and build profitable & sustainable businesses in the process.

Because our businesses are tools for dismantling systems of oppression, and together we’re on a mission to create the world our next generation deserves.

The first step is to download and implement the Just Marketing® checklist into your daily processes.

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